He will also start to like you, and becomes a potential candidate for marriage. 1 Locations; 2 Walkthrough. Octieve San is a an old Breton who has racked up some serious gambling debts. Octieve wears a set of studded armor and a pair of hide boots. Seine Tochter ist Evette San. You can't just drink it all away." Octieve: "Maybe. No Upon chatting with him he may complain about gambling debts owed to Irnskar Ironhand, which you can assist him with in exchange for a free Two-handed skill boost. With an Amulet of Mara, the Dragonborn has the option of marrying Octieve. ↑ Laut Dialog mit Sybille Stentor. videogame_asset My games. He returns home at 2am to sleep. If you don't know what HF and DB stand for, HF is Hearthfire and DB is Dragonborn. Citizen Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Basic Info She is Dovahkiin, Listener of The Dark Brotherhood, and leader of the Thieves Guild. Contents. His Daughter is Evette San. Evette: "At the market, father." Services S'inscrire. Die Gründe hierfür sind unbekannt. Community content is available under. 00013B80 0001992F Oglub. Octieve San ", Octieve: "Where've you been all day?" Evette: "I'm on my feet all day. Evette: "I barely make enough for us to eat as it is, father. Se connecter. Critical of his age, he drinks and gambles heavily. Octieve: "Well, did you bring back any mead?" Jun Skyrim: werwolf dasein beenden klappt nicht -_-15. Es gibt in "Skyrim" erstmals in der Reihe auch die Möglichkeit, einen NPC zu heiraten. When finishing conversation, she will remark: "Good luck out there. Octieve San is a Breton, while his daughter Evette San is a Nord. Wenn ihr schon immer wissen wolltet, wie man in Skyrim heiratet, macht folgendes. At home, he can be heard conversing with Evette: Evette: "Father, could you clean up the house a little while I'm away?" Er kann gewöhnlich in oder in der Nähe des zwinkernden Skeever. He lives with his daughter, Evette San, in her house. His daughter, Evette San, takes care of him. He also owes money after gambling while intoxicated. etliche Gespräche mit der Bevölkerung ↑ Laut Dialog mit Melaran, zum Thema "Seid ihr der Hofzauberer?" Gender Octieve San from Skyrim. He wields an iron dagger and carries a belted tunic, the key to his daughter's house, and a selection of common items and gold. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. In unsere Spezial-Videoreihe, vergleichen wir Spiele aus 2011, direkt miteinander. chevron_left. The Dragonborn can then offer to speak with Irnskar about the debt. Octieve: "Sure, whatever. If the Dragonborn speaks with Octieve San at The Winking Skeever, he will tell of his debt to Irnskar Ironhand. Octieve San – Skyrim Wiki. After this, he will assume his normal schedule: upon waking up at 6am, he starts his day with a trip to the Temple of the Divines to pray there. One day she walks through Solitude and sees Octieve San begging for anyone to help. He is also a candidate for marriage. Evette San is a Nord food vendor who has a house and a market stall in Solitude. When you bid farewell with him, he will say: You can ask him if he is in debt with Irnskar and offer to help: Once Irnskar has agreed to forgive Octieve's debt, inform him of the good news: He awards you with a one-point increase in your Two-handed skill. 000133AC 00019913 Odvan. In Skyrim könnt ihr mit den verschiedensten NPCs eine Ehe eingehen. Voraussetzungen zum Heiraten. Two-Handed training He's a potential Marriage prospect. 4 He will ask you to talk to Inskar about his debts. Recently added 28 View all 1,180. close. In fact, it's so good, no one else in Skyrim even tries to make any." He is also a candidate for marriage. Explorer. Sie können jedoch keinen Khajiit- oder Bosmer-Charakter heiraten. He is often critical of his own age, and he drinks and gambles heavily. Octieve San asks the Dragonborn to convince Irnskar Ironhand waive his debts. Skyrim Commands. Octieve: "Sure, whatever. Octieve: "Humph. Due to his gambling problems, he has accumulated a large sum of debt, and if the Dragonborn helps pay off his debt he offers Two-Handed training. 0001329D 000198B4 Octieve San. Male Cheats; Item Codes; NPC IDs; Perk Codes; More IDs . [05/29/2016 - 05:23:58AM] Adding Factions for Spectator Octieve San: Spectators, Indoors, FemaleTarget, PrefersWomen, SexActIsHeterosexual, SpectatorArousalinv is 0.000000Quality is -1 DONE. Octieve San is a non playable character in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Das Geschlecht des NPCs spielt dabei keine Rolle. he starts to drink again and start beating her of and on during a year and … Jun Skyrim: Ein Blutiger anfang :(15. Trending chevron_right. Es ist auch möglich einen Händler-NPC zu heiraten: Unabhängig davon, ob der Partner ein Händler ist oder nicht, kann der Spieler bei ihm Gegenstände verkaufen oder kaufen. ", *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. She deals in a variety of wines and other beverages. 0001329E 000198C6 Odar. A nord woman living in Solitude. I found Irnskar Ironhand around town. Octieve San is an elderly Breton citizen living in Solitude, frequently found in the Winking Skeever. 00014142 0001B135 Oengul War-Anvil. Wie ihr in Skyrim heiraten könnt und welche Vorteile ihr dadurch erhaltet, erfahrt ihr in unserem Guide. Jun Skyrim: Kann ein Nord auch Magie; 14. Talk to Irnskar about Octieve He can usually be found in or near The Winking Skeever. Some daughter you are. I'll see if I feel like it." 2.1 Carlotta Valenita & Mikael; 2.2 Haran & Ranmir; 2.3 Iddra & Roggi; 2.4 Octieve San & Irnskar Ironhand; 2.5 Omluag & Mulush gro-Shugurz; 2.6 Scouts-Many-Marshes & Torbjorn Shatter-Shield; Locations . Khajitt, Bosmer, männliche Rothwardonen und männliche Altmer können allerdings nicht geheiratet werden. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Octieve_San?oldid=3114107, If the Dragonborn kills Evette San, then it is likely that he will send, Should Octieve die after being helped, he will leave an inheritance of 100. Skyrim Marriage. Enregistrée par Beth Carlington. Octieve San is a non playable character in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Octieve San is a male Breton from Solitude . 000136C4 00019E0D Odfel. This may be an oversight, or it may be that Evette's mother and Octieve's wife was a Nord, or Octieve is not her biological father. Can you please do this one thing for me?" ", The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995, https://en.uesp.net/w/index.php?title=Skyrim:Octieve_San&oldid=2204992, Skyrim-Factions-Favor013QuestGiverFaction, Skyrim-Factions-SolitudeEvetteSansHouseFaction. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. New chevron_right. Display results as threads Class In Skyrim ist es möglich sowohl eine heterosexuelle als auch eine homosexuelle Ehe einzugehen. Evette: "Father, could you clean up the house a little while I'm away?" Nachdem er euch erklärt hat wie eine Hochzeit von Statten geht, könnt ihr von ihm für 200 Septime ein Amulett kaufen, was ihr natürlich tut. Jun Skyrim: Octieve San; 14. Quest Giver: Octieve San Location: The Winking Skeever Reward: +Two-Handed Skill Current Follower: Random Observations My Journal . [05/29/2016 - 05:23:59AM] SEXLAB - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Sorex Vinius) -- TRUE -- HIT Ark Item IDs Unturned Item IDs Stardew Valley Item ID List HOI4 Cheats Factorio Commands Subnautica Commands Stellaris Cheats Fallout Cheats EU4 Cheats Starbound Cheats. Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. Warum das so ist wird leider nicht erklärt. I needed pictures for each guy in the chapters. Some daughter you are. ", Octieve: "Where've you been all day?" You can't just drink it all away." Ref ID Games. Upon chatting with him he may complain about gambling debts owed to Irnskar Ironhand, which you can assist him with in exchange for a free Two-handed skill boost. ↑ Dass sie wiederauferstehen konnte, ist stark umstritten. Can you please do this one thing for me?" Evette: "I barely make enough for us to eat as it is, father. Skyrim: Diese Quests sind so gut versteckt, dass du bestimmt nicht alle kennst In Skyrim heiraten: So funktioniert‘s. He is a Breton resident in Solitude who can train the Dragonborn in two-handed weapons. Pinterest. At noon, he goes to the Winking Skeever and enjoys a six-hour meal until 6pm, then heads outside to carouse in front of the inn. Octieve: "Well, did you bring back any mead?" Evette: "I'm on my feet all day. As it turns out, Octieve San is the person responsible for the recipe on spiced wine: "Oh, yes. Skyrim Console Commands NPC Codes Page 17 Skyrim … Should you meet Evette San, and Octieve is alive, she may advise you to avoid him: This page was last modified on 1 September 2020, at 21:26. The only good thing my father Octieve ever did. ↑ Siehe The Art of Skyrim, Seite 18. Level Allerdings lässt das Spiel Dir dabei nicht die freie Wahl, sondern gibt eine Reihe von Charakteren vor, mit denen es möglich ist, den Bund fürs Leben einzugehen. A Few Words With You is a Radiant Quest in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Geschichte: Fanfiction / Computerspiele / The Elder Scrolls / Skyrim Adventskalender. Mods . A secret family recipe. 000198B4 My first mistake was to talk to a drunken old man at The Winking Skeever. Comments. Respawn Inhalt ist versteckt. Skyrim Special Edition. Skyrim:Octieve San. Octieve San is a Breton retiree who lives in Solitude. View all games. He told me how he practically smooch off his daughter. Her father is … When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Evette: "At the market, father." Race He lives with his daughter, Evette San, in her house. She helps him get away from the alcohol for a couple months and they fall in love and get married. When you visit Solitude for the first time, Octieve will be one of the spectators of Roggvir's execution. He's a big dude. Octieve: "Maybe. He is a Breton resident in Solitude who can train the Dragonborn in two-handed weapons. Breton Blog; Other Websites . 0001329D Octieve San is an elderly Breton citizen living in Solitude, frequently found in the Winking Skeever.He lives with his daughter, Evette San, in her house.He is often critical of his own age, and he drinks and gambles heavily. Base ID Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Viktoria the Wanderer is know all through out Skyrim for her travels. ↑ 11,0 11,1 Laut Dialog mit Octieve San Irnskar will either be at home at Thane Bryling's house or walking around Solitude. She has a stall at the Solitude market, where she sells her home-made spiced wine, made from a secret family recipe. Skyrim Codes for Actors in Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn Octieve San ist ein alter Bretone, der einige ernste Spielschulden eingetrieben hat. He can usually be found in or near The Winking Skeever. I'll see if I feel like it." A Few Words With You in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Her latest shipment of spiced wine has been halted by the East Empire Company and she needs someone to convince them to release it. Miscellaneous Task. Octieve San posted Dec 2, 2011, 8:42 PM by Ichigo Blue Location: Solitude (The Winking Skeever) A drunken old geezer who likes to smooch off his daughter and anyone who helps him get out of debt from Irnskar Ironhand. Octieve San is an elderly Breton citizen living in Solitude, frequently found in the Winking Skeever. Geht zunächst zum „Tempel von Mara“, findet dort den Priester Maramal und unterhaltet euch mit ihm über Mara und die Heirat. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Head 2 Head: PC vs. Xbox 360 vs PS3 PC vs. Konsole. Auflage), Kapitel Die Kehle der Welt: Skyrim ↑ Vgl. Octieve: "Humph. (vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite) Seiten in der Kategorie „Charaktere“ Folgende 200 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 268 insgesamt. chevron_right. Weather IDs Spell & Shout IDs Actor Value & Skill IDs Quest IDs Enchantment IDs.