to 54,999 lbs. (R), Truck – Flat Weight: 55,000 lbs. endstream endobj 74 0 obj<> endobj 75 0 obj<> endobj 77 0 obj<> endobj 78 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 79 0 obj<> endobj 80 0 obj<> endobj 81 0 obj<> endobj 82 0 obj[/ICCBased 99 0 R] endobj 83 0 obj<> endobj 84 0 obj<>stream (TN), Truck – Flat Weight: 8,001 lbs. (VDE), Farm Trailer: 14,001 lbs. Stickers 11 - black on green 12 - black on yellow 0000006584 00000 n (J), Truck – Flat Weight: 28,001 lbs. (VH), Farm Truck: 24,001 lbs. to 45,000 lbs. 0000001368 00000 n If your plate is a standard-issue U.S. or Canadian passenger car plate, you can find one estimate of its value in Bob and Chuck Crisler's License Plate Values price guide. Madeleine Deaton/Flickr Until last year, Illinois' license plates focused solely on the state's identity as the "Land of Lincoln" (Abraham Lincoln lived in the state capital, Springfield, between 1837 and 1861). H��S�n�0��������1K��H��Jr(zPl&U!S ��E��CJ1�6�B�(�of�B>:(� These include registering your vehicle, completing a vehicle inspection, applying for an Illinois driver's license, and registering to vote.Use this guide to help you with the details of these services. (VZ), Government: Municipal Disabled Person (M-Plates), Government: Municipal Motorcycle (M-Plates), Government: Municipal Trailer / Tractor (M-Plates), Government: State Disabled Person (U-Plates), Government: State Trailer / Tractor (U-Plates), Illinois Pan Hellenic: Alpha Kappa Alpha (AK) – (Fraternity / Sorority), Illinois Pan Hellenic: Alpha Phi Alpha (PA) – (Fraternity / Sorority), Illinois Pan Hellenic: Delta Sigma Theta (DS) – (Fraternity / Sorority), Illinois Pan Hellenic: Kappa Alpha Psi (KA) – (Fraternity / Sorority), Illinois Pan Hellenic: Omega Psi Phi (QU) – (Fraternity / Sorority), Illinois Pan Hellenic: Phi Beta Sigma (PB) – (Fraternity / Sorority), Illinois Pan Hellenic: Sigma Gamma Rho (SR) – (Fraternity / Sorority), International Brotherhood of Teamsters (TM), Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics (SO), Military: Afghanistan Campaign Medal (GH), Military: Congressional Medal of Honor (CMH), Military: Distinguished Flying Cross (FC), Military: Distinguished Service Cross (DC), Military: POW / MIA Illinois Remembers (PW), Military: Universal Veteran Motorcycle (US), Motorcycle – Expanded Use Antique Vehicle (EA), Police: Illinois Commerce Commission Police, Police: Illinois State Police – Motorcycle, Power – Apportioned (Must say “Apportioned” on plate), President of a Village or Incorporated Town or Mayor (CB), Sheet Metal Workers International Association (SM), Trailer – Flat Weight: 3,001 lbs. 0000003784 00000 n Replacement License Plates. Front and rear plates are … to 36,000 lbs. (Tye�R���gW|������ELV/ȴ�X~����9��B(��c�נ-Owŗ��e��y�z �kp�;ȝX���eDSJ��XIӐHK��\�TL����������C_��ų�æX�$��� T�9�*�Qd%�����$J��\��3��*k�m�pʃfS����Eyvn'Cظ�.�����Q0MR 0000007363 00000 n Plates issued in the United States through 1920 are highly collectible, according to the Automobile License Plate … 1955 issue. 0000002404 00000 n to 45,000 lbs. In 1934, the full state name “Illinois” was embossed. 0000005206 00000 n 0000001622 00000 n (MF), Truck – Mileage Tax: 16,001 lbs. (N), Truck – Flat Weight: 40,001 lbs. 0000008538 00000 n 0000864849 00000 n to 54,999 lbs. The letters ILL appeared on the first Illinois license plate issued in 1911 and continued until 1933. (VR), Farm Truck: 55,000 lbs. (VG), Farm Truck: 20,001 lbs. The History of License Plates. to 32,000 lbs. To Purchase License Plates, You Will Need. or 5,000 lbs. Types of Plates: Illinois recognizes TWO types of personalized license plates: (1) Vanity License plates contain up to to 3 numbers or 1 to 7 letters only or (2) Personalized License Plates that contain BOTH letters and numbers. (S), Truck – Flat Weight: 59,501 lbs. (VL), Farm Truck: 36,001 lbs. to 32,000 lbs. to 64,000 lbs. Second, you must provide proof of identification. (Q), Truck – Flat Weight: 50,001 lbs. 0000001427 00000 n (VP), Farm Truck: 45,001 lbs. 0000862891 00000 n Offensive License Plate Contact Form. to 20,000 lbs. Thus, license plate lookups can provide you with peace of … (D), Truck – Flat Weight: 12,001 lbs. or 36,000 lbs. Illinois Chicago Police Memorial Foundation License Plates Guide. (TE), Trailer – Flat Weight: 14,000 lbs. This page is geared toward people who’ve moved to Illinois but have a driver license from another US state. 0000005882 00000 n to 28,000 lbs. x�b``�f``Ia`e`�da@ �G��T@�L=�� ܅�����e�� 76 0 obj<>stream General issue numbers start at 1000, but lower numbers are available through channels. This information was printed from, the official website of the Illinois Secretary of State's Office. 73 0 obj <> endobj Potentially Defective License Plates. License Plate Description: Saluting Agriculture (AG) ZZ … School Bus: BU: SCH: Seven-Day Vehicle Permit: TP: TMP: NOTE: This plate can be run as a TEMP plate by removing a zero and using only eight digits. The Illinois Secretary of State is also in charge of all in-transit, repossessor and manufacturer applications, as well as dealer plate inquiries and dealer licensing audits. ]���͂[��v�rː�*n���O��,�t�{��c�x*�/�g�y�w~�"|j�I��S�.I]뉷��D��\�����d&\OsV� =���v6E���f�:A��xN+��|��8?���()a����ᮞ�C����Sb�0��ąZ#3�K7v�}�j-Ŕ��]w�3��?L�L��t]�-W�CTD���C��M�w_P^�5��6t����ԛp*�_����0��:?�a�q~t�wm?���ҩ�z�BLٹѷ�� "�Ѡ8��y�` C%y 213 State Capitol Springfield, IL 62756 800-252-8980 (toll free in Illinois) 217-785-3000 (outside Illinois) Contact Forms The amateur license plate collector may not pay attention to things like rust and dents and may just want an interesting plate to hang on the wall. (P), Truck – Flat Weight: 45,001 lbs. Thu Jan 07 2021. to 12,000 lbs. 0000001814 00000 n Illinois License Plate Lookup Buying a used car instead of new in Illinois is a wise decision if you want to bag a bargain and save money in the process. to 77,000 lbs. Your vehicle identification number (VIN) and current license plate number which are on the vehicle registration card. (H), Truck – Flat Weight: 16,001 lbs. 0000858961 00000 n You can quickly and easily search for a personalized license plate design or style you want using the Illinois SOS Pick a Plate online system. to 16,000 lbs. 0000854734 00000 n (��H}�D�rsM֥q�ݡ�C������\7CDl���*u��x}���F�jcY1s����*�����JrYŭ߅aD\�^(G5�#�Qc$Ou��8� ����S�}�:�� �zK^ȵ������ �r��b��'�4�-C�Q��3(c�@gH���7���'57�)!I�z��.�x;ԃ'w��8�߄T}b� The first license plates appeared in the early 1900s. (MP), Truck – Mileage Tax: 45,001 lbs. (MJ), Truck – Mileage Tax: 28,001 lbs. If you don’t want to register a standard … Most plates include the date of manufacture. endstream endobj 86 0 obj[/Separation/PANTONE#20280#20C 82 0 R 100 0 R] endobj 87 0 obj<> endobj 88 0 obj<> endobj 89 0 obj<>stream or less (MD), Truck – Mileage Tax: 12,001 lbs. (MS), Truck – Mileage Tax: 59,501 lbs. to 77,000 lbs. (K), Truck – Flat Weight: 32,001 lbs. to 45,000 lbs. to 24,000 lbs. 0000002370 00000 n (MR), Truck – Mileage Tax: 55,000 lbs. (MG), Truck – Mileage Tax: 20,001 lbs. 0000004455 00000 n License Plates Guide Vehicle Services. (V), Truck – Flat Weight: 73,281 lbs. to 36,000 lbs. (TL), Trailer – Flat Weight: 36,001 lbs. If issuing a Parker, write is as if it’s a TEMP plate and remove one zero from the … Typically, the DMV will issue your new registration credentials after receiving payment. to 32,000 lbs. H I. Deaf/Hard of Hearing Persons with Disabilities Recreational Vehicle Recreational Trailer Motorcycle (150cc and above) Antique Motorcycle TA Trailer TA Trailer pulled by motorcycle Motorcycle (less than 150cc) Tinted Window Registration Stickers: 2010-2011 Antique Vehicle Ham Radio Operator Passenger B-Truck. 0000008832 00000 n (VJ), Farm Truck: 28,001 lbs. Formats for license plate numbers may be consistent within the state. to 36,000 lbs. (VV), Farm Truck: 73,281 lbs. �b+!��3�>\�,%h�9W^�|7J�cc�"�+��}�*h�T5S�B��D��[���?��Bl�JIL����q?rsj�. However, there are some different rules that apply. License Plate and Vehicle Registration Contact Form. endstream endobj 85 0 obj<>stream to 14,000 lbs. or 10,000 lbs. (MK), Truck – Mileage Tax: 32,001 lbs. to 24,000 lbs. H�dT�n�0����A,�o^[7@��#��Ueb��hHr��/�G]�r"9>������R�����EpR��%��⾸��Y��&��{.+ǔ�2?������Jlb\R(n�M�[��З? 0000000016 00000 n U.S. License Plate Reference Guide 2019. (TB), Trailer – Flat Weight: 5,001 lbs. The office’s functions are described in the Illinois Constitution, mainly addressing the Secretary of State's duty to maintain official state records and the state seal. Illinois license plates guide for law enforcement by Illinois. (MV), Truck – Mileage Tax: 73,281 lbs. to 54,999 lbs. For example, Delaware and Rhode Island were formerly able to use six-digit all-numeric serials due to their low respective populations; both now use five-digit serials, with Delaware using a letter and four digits, and Rhode Island using two letters and three digits. to 80,000 lbs. to 50,000 lbs. %PDF-1.5 %���� (Z), Truck – Mileage Tax: 12,000 lbs.   Illinois License Plates. startxref Illinois License Plates. (VDG), Farm Trailer: 20,001 lbs. 0000008047 00000 n SUMMARY: New Illinois Residents. to 28,000 lbs. Collectors of antique license plates benefit from the certainty of age. to 28,000 lbs. In Illinois, license plates remain with the owner, not the vehicle. to 20,000 lbs. Title and Registration to 14,000 lbs. Antique Vehicle – Expanded Use Motorcycle (EA), Chicago Police Memorial Foundation, Illinois (CP), Collegiate: Eastern Illinois University (AE), Collegiate: Illinois State University (AI), Collegiate: Northern Illinois University (AH), Collegiate: Southern Illinois University Carbondale (AZ), Collegiate: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (AS), Collegiate: University of Illinois at Chicago (AC), Collegiate: University of Illinois at Springfield (AP), Collegiate: University of Notre Dame (ND), Collegiate: Western Illinois University (AW), Farm Trailer: 10,001 lbs. Also known as a vehicle registration plate, it is used to identify the car and owner of a motor vehicle or trailer in the state. The fee for a Personalized License plate for a newly acquired vehicle in … <<3da21d39c8129e4ca23ad2d9d2ac13d8>]>> (TD), Trailer – Flat Weight: 10,001 lbs. xref (F), Truck – Flat Weight: 16,001 lbs. 0000003075 00000 n to 26,000 lbs. Office of Secretary of State. H����n1�����K������PD$$"��z�l��t��m)OϬ��AE��"�ֳ3��|�"t�]�ow��!���������s��VB���﫛�dzZj��������=���ð����D�jJ(5|�����}?�kE�=__�UeT��]x��$�ju�O(Ș�\����C��cz��R��ܽ99?=��8�"�[b��f���R�ҧ�I�!F�ܘ�K�c����ܤ�����8�PQo��Z��܂���G�A��Y�,^���%\��p�?_9g����J����Z ����>�aߢ�O)B� #Zڂs���:߇~l�r��1l�ŏ)�p@��`���>O�66�J��nHc��a`UY�(���o�����9�����r�Eeʁ�9��˩����Ѕ�f����!�kHE-3�,J)���/�-���_v)��q#��[S����GK��I �N�(J�w��Rw�}9���;���}U;�^����p��j�S�$�N� m}��_�0Ag��i���LM�t�8tvцfL���s�� �z��o ��E1 to 8,000 lbs. If you buy a new car and do not yet have license plates, you can get a Temporary Registration Permit (TRP) from: You must have submitted your vehicle registration application to get a TRP. License Plate Security Features . to 32,000 lbs. Affirmation • Motorycycle • Pick-a-Plate Online! 0000001219 00000 n to 77,000 lbs. (VDJ), Farm Trailer: 28,001 lbs. Truck-tractors and apportioned straight trucks must have one license plate on the front of the vehicle. 5 1/2”x 11 1/4” Orange over navy blue. to 40,000 lbs. From 1955 until 1961, Illinois license plate colors honored a different state college. to 64,000 lbs. The standard Illinois license plate has a blue and white background with an image of Lincoln and dark red lettering. Embossed thin steel. We’ve simplified the entire process for you so you can save time. For additional information, including application forms, see our Disability Placards & Plates page. (L), Truck – Flat Weight: 36,001 lbs. (MN), Truck – Mileage Tax: 40,001 lbs. 1954 was the first year for the famed slogan Land of Lincoln on Illinois license plates. (VK), Farm Truck: 32,001 lbs. About Us. The process of getting a new license plate number in Illinois is almost identical to applying to renew your driver's license. A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z M prefix followed by four to five numbers mostly in the 8000 to 11000 number bloc. Special Event License Plates. Just make sure you do your homework well. 0000004809 00000 n The primary and secondary (if applicable) owner's last name, driver's license number and last four digits of the Social Security Number (SSN). to 28,000 lbs. (TC), Trailer – Flat Weight: 8,000 lbs. In Illinois, road tests are walk-in only, so you're not able to schedule ahead of time (unless you're getting a commercial or temporary driver's license, then you can schedule). 0000001964 00000 n Illinois State License Plate This is the official license plate for the state of Illinois as it has been officially adopted by the state legislature. Publication date 2007 Topics Automobile license plates Publisher [Springfield, Ill.] : Illinois Secretary of State Collection university_of_illinois_urbana-champaign; americana Digitizing sponsor (MZ), Truck / Truck-Tractor – Conservation (CN). Copyright © 2020, All Rights Reserved | is not Developed or Approved by the Chicago Police Department. (VDL), Farm Truck: 16,001 lbs. This was the Illinois plate design between 2001 and 2016. to 20,000 lbs. to 73,280 lbs. 0000855349 00000 n to 73,280 lbs. 0000434584 00000 n (MX), Truck – Mileage Tax: 77,001 lbs. Fee: The fee for a Vanity License plate for a newly acquired vehicle in Illinois is $94 plus title and registration fees. 0000009534 00000 n 0000858018 00000 n viewing angle. Box 310 Harvard, Illinois 60033 | 815-943-6468 Option 2 201 West Diggins Street P.O. (ML), Truck – Mileage Tax: 36,001 lbs. (VT), Farm Truck: 64,001 lbs. 0 to 80,000 lbs. The Pick a Plate system also searches the license plate database to see if the letter and number combination you want is … (TG), Trailer – Flat Weight: 20,001 lbs. Generally, an Illinois SOS license plate lookup can provide you with details about the vehicle’s manufacturer, safety ratings, recall information (if applicable) and details pertaining to the vehicle’s previous owner. First, you must have not had your current license plate expires for thirty days or more. (VX), Farm Truck: 77,001 lbs. Motorcycles, mopeds, trailers, semitrailers and buses registered under apportionment provisions must display one license plate on the rear of the vehicle. Plates are currently issued by the Illinois Secretary of State . The current base began in mid-July, 2001. trailer The office’s functions are described in the Illinois Constitution, mainly addressing the Secretary of State's duty to maintain official state records and the state seal. or 20,000 lbs. Illinois License Plate Search. In the year 1966, retro-reflective film covering an aluminum substrate license plate was introduced and continues today with the US Department of Transportation (DOT) mandates. to 73,280 lbs. to 36,000 lbs. �T�_�u��X�����1i���Tj�5�F����QJj��X����HK1X("� ��Tt��@�L��0042�m`eaX� ����`��"��~���D���^��r̫���'1�w��`< ����ak���?�x'4@��0 �:� 0000001888 00000 n 73 31 Illinois license plate sticker among most expensive in the nation. Pick-a-Plate. Updated Ultimate guide to transferring your out-of-state driver’s license to Illinois Here’s the ultimate guide to transferring your out-of-state license to Illinois. 0000000916 00000 n The Class A Driver's License in Illinois is for drivers who operate the heaviest loads, with vehicles weighing more than 26,000 pounds and towing weight of more than 10,000 pounds. to 64,000 lbs. to 80,000 lbs. to 59,500 lbs. Most of the optional issues issued in low quantities that begin with a letter prefix are being reissued with a stacked 2-letter suffix. (X), Truck – Flat Weight: 77,001 lbs. (TK), Trailer – Flat Weight: 32,000 lbs. It is the body that issues Certificates of Authority for all auction businesses, vehicle … To establish residency in Illinois, you'll need to complete a number of tasks. (MH), Truck – Mileage Tax: 24,001 lbs. to 40,000 lbs. 0000004517 00000 n to 40,000 lbs. More serious license plate collectors often belong to the ALPCA, or the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association, and they visit antique auctions in search of valuable license plates. (MT), Truck – Mileage Tax: 64,001 lbs. (T), Truck – Flat Weight: 64,001 lbs. A Class A driver will usually have a B, C and D license designation, permitting him to … %%EOF * Plate available in motorcycle also. Illinois License Plates Guide. to 59,500 lbs. Road tests are done at Secretary of State facilities and we recommend going to the site that's most convenient for you. o���0����؆��D�2{J�a*��\����.���� ~s_+��D�׹�ky����G"���)��B�ߚ�1���� ��W� to 16,000 lbs. Illinois License Plates Guide for Law Enforcement Author: Illinois Secretary of State Vehicle Services Subject: Illinois License Plates Guide for Law Enforcement Keywords: Illinois License Plates Guide for Law Enforcement Created Date: 3/28/2006 11:08:50 AM ( VIN ) and current license plate for a newly acquired vehicle in Illinois, license guide. Who ’ ve simplified the entire process for you of getting a new license plate on the first license benefit... ), Truck – Mileage Tax: 55,000 lbs, semitrailers and buses registered under apportionment provisions must one... ( L ), Truck / Truck-Tractor – Conservation ( CN ) the site that most! Our Disability Placards & plates page this page is geared toward people who ’ ve moved Illinois... Save time trucks must have one license plate colors honored a different state.! ( TD ), Farm Truck: 32,001 lbs MD ), Truck Mileage! The certainty of age MP ), Farm Truck: 24,001 lbs ” was embossed of. 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