There are over 180 pages of writing prompts with blank lines and space for students to illustrate their response. Family members provide myriad writing prompts. Would you ever want to live somewhere else when you get older? Easy Writing Prompts — It’s never too early to help kids develop the healthy skill of daily reflective writing—and elementary school is the perfect time to begin the habit. Write about a time when you didn’t get something that you really wanted. Write about your experience. Why or why not? To integrate writing prompts into your lessons, ask students to choose one writing prompt each day or week. Remind your students that there is no wrong way to respond to the prompts and that they should simply have fun and let their creative minds wander. Do you ever get jealous of your friends? on October 10, 2018 12:27 am “48 Writing Prompts” What on earth does “writing a prompt” mean? The time my teacher forgot to wear shoes... For prompts that ask students to write about a person, encourage them to write two responses—one response about a friend or family member, and another about someone they don't know personally. Write about a time when you got in trouble for something you didn’t do. There are lots of prompt subreddits out there. … TOEFL Writing Topics (from If you have questions or comments about this page, please contact us. Opinion Essay Writing Prompts First graders can begin to develop their opinion writing skills by responding to a simple topic with their own thoughts and opinions. Write for fifteen minutes. 3. If you enjoyed these Easy Writing Prompts for Elementary Kids,please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.I appreciate it! What do you think it would be like to live in space? I opened the door, saw a clown, and then... Write about five things you can do if the power goes out. #2: Keep it simple. What do you admire about him or her? The following Topics for Writing are just a small sample from the game, Roll Play, by Dymon Publications. They should focus on understanding the concept of an opinion and providing basic justification for their own opinions. Vesuvius” does make sense. Who is the funniest member of your family and why? Simple Sentence Writing Picture Prompts. Why or why not? What is the hardest part of coming back to school after summer vacation? What is the best way to show someone how much you care about them? Who is your hero? Writing Prompts/Journal Topics from Can Teach. Sincerely,Jilljournalbuddies.comcreator and curator, 75 Elementary Writing Prompt Ideas for Kids, 49 Story Starters & Writing Ideas for Elementary Kids, Best Writing Prompts for Elementary Students, Elementary Writing Prompts Kids Will Love, Benefits of Journaling + 35 Bonus Prompts. Expository writing is a skill kids work to develop through their school years. The best story starters will have young children reading or writing several sentences. Good writing prompts get students' creative juices flowing, help them write more freely, and ease any anxiety they may feel about the writing process. The story starts when a kid comes out of the school bathroom with toilet paper dangling from his or … These simple worksheets are only one page each, so they aren’t too intimidating for kids with limited writing skills. When … Our goal is to kick start the writer's mind into coming up with its own unique ideas by using prompts that are open-ended enough to appeal to everyone. An awesome collaborative or individual exercise to practice writing, speaking, sequencing, storytelling, follow up questions and much more! Review the structure and use of reported questions. However, you do not want them to be too simple. The top three qualities of a best friend are... Write about what you would cook for an enemy. How can you prevent jealousy? Your characters haven’t gotten any sleep. Why was it so challenging? Why is it important to you? Story Chains. What is your favorite part of each week? Journal Buddies Jill | January 5, 2021April 6, 2018 | Journal Prompts & Writing Ideas, Home » Journal Prompts & Writing Ideas » Easy Writing Prompts for Elementary Kids. What movie can you watch again and again without getting tired of it? Dramatic Writing Prompts: Drama is versatile. A while back I found a writing prompt on a contest which spurred me to write a flash fiction piece. Do you think you’re a good listener? I’ve also had writing prompts give me scene ideas. What impact did it have on you? It can go with many other genres. What is your favorite toy? We're looking for a simpler source of inspiration. Finally, give students the option of writing “PERSONAL” above some entries that they don’t want anyone to read. Then write a letter to a friend telling her about a visit or chat you had with a long lost relative […] How would you use it? If you need specific topics to inspire you, keep reading for a collection of daily journal prompts. Five things I would do if I had more money are... What would you do if you could change the world? Write whatever comes to mind and when you’re done, simply pick another question. Alphabet Writing Exercise. Simple Writing Prompt for Kids for free, click the image or the link below to visit my Teachers Pay Teachers Store! Try some of these free kindergarten writing prompts with … The most interesting place I have ever been to was... Name three things you don't like about school and why. What is your favorite food? What do you admire about him or her? Also included on each page is a checklist for the students to make sure they have compl Why or … Describe the hottest day you can remember. What is your favorite television show and why? Would you rather be too hot all the time or too cold all the time? In order to write effective expository pieces, they need to research, observe, take help from others and get exposed to a greater spectrum of life scenarios. What is the biggest thing you’ve ever been responsible for? We use reported questions to tell someone what someone has asked. Why do you dislike it so much? To make the activity more challenging, encourage them to write without stopping for at least five minutes, increasing the number of minutes that they devote to writing over time. 2 Responses to “48 Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids” D.A.W. There are eight graphics on this page to serve as general visual bookmarks. Use the images as prompts to tell a story. Beyond creative writing prompts: how to build a writing routine. For those days where the words just aren’t coming, writing prompts provide excellent sparks. Topics for Writing. And be sure to follow my Fun Language Arts Ideas for Kids board on Pinterest! Understanding writing prompts is not all that simple. To get your copy of All About Me! The handy writing prompts are perfect for group work, homework and home learning tasks. Do you enjoy spending time outside? Writing Clinic´s Creative Writing Prompts are designed to provide ideas and to get students writing with ease. How did you feel? Encourage your children to create their own sentences using this picture prompts for writing resource.Featuring 20 images and sentences to complete, these cards are a great way to give children a little inspiration. After all, just as athletes need to warm up their muscles, writers need to warm up their minds. If you're looking for more writing ideas, try our lists of journal prompts or ideas for writing about important people in history like Martin Luther King Jr. Janelle Cox, M.S., is an education writer specializing in elementary school education. As with all prompts, inform students that their answers should be rated G and that disclosing dangerous or illegal things they’re involved in will obligate you to file a report with the administration or school counselors. • Passive Voice, Questions and Short Answers, Past Simple, Creative Writing Prompts. Why does it matter to you? Do you or your parents choose your clothes? Present Tense Writing Prompts The present tense, in these cases, includes the simple present ("She always forgets something") and the present continuous ("I am coming "), as well as the trickier present perfect ("We have seen The Matrix far too many times") and present perfect continuous ("She has been singing since her second glass of wine"). Why or why not? Writing is an essential skill and an important part of elementary school studies. You, of course, may choose to use any of these at whatever time you like. Do you ever get tired of it? Are you good at keeping secrets? What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? What is the most interesting thing about your parents? Writing prompts are great creativity and imagination starters for students, giving them a framework and starting point to writing something interesting, funny, or to help them practice formulating a point of view. The sentences can be short or complex using “and” conjunction which children learn in Reception. This is a simple exercise to help your students practice writing using the simple present tense. What is the coolest thing you ever did? Helpful post, Simon. To help your students get the most from this excellent exercise, we’ve developed a set of 52 easy writing prompts for elementary school students. Why or why not? We created this list of 300 creative writing prompts for kids to help parents and teachers spark the imaginations of young writers everywhere! Thriller Writing Prompts: Thrillers are meant to be exiting. Don’t miss these other posts to help students get writing! Think of your favorite fairy tale from when you were in preschool and retell it with a different ending. Why or why not? Why? Welcome aboard. Simple Writing Prompt for Kids! Expository writing is when kids write to inform, describe or reveal. To make the activity more challenging, encourage them to write without stopping for at least five minutes, increasing the number … Begin writing a story by starting each sentence with a different letter of … Sleepless. Write about a time when you did something new for the first time without your parents’ help. What do you like about it? Describe your best friend, how you met, and why you are friends. This worksheet comes with a short sample story or an ´ideas list´ so students know what it expected of them. Write about a special memory that always makes you laugh. What sets us apart? What is the best part of being in _____ grade? Why was it so special to you? Have you ever been tempted to cheat on a test or homework assignment? Describe your least favorite food and why. Are you happy with that arrangement? Benefits of writing prompts Do you think you would be a good babysitter? Dear President Washington, what was it like to be the first president? It gets the ball rolling for them, and inspires them to build their storylines. 24 Journal Prompts for Creative Writing in the Elementary Classroom, 40 "Back From Christmas Break" Writing Prompts, UC Essay Examples for the Personal Insight Questions, How to Ace Your University of Wisconsin Personal Statements, Sample Weak Supplemental Essay for Duke University. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Regular journal writing is a wonderful practice with life-long benefits for kids who start young. Picture Writing prompts are always a hit with children as they can see visuals and write about them. What is the best gift you’ve ever received? Writing Prompt Genres ; 1. Supernatural Writing Prompts: Monsters have become friendly and even romantic, causing the world to fall in love with them. What is the most important thing in your life? What was the most life-like dream you ever had? What is your #1 goal in life? Kids die to narrate stories. Why? simple creative writing prompts Horror Writing Prompts: Horror junkies are dedicated. This exercise encourages children to think outside the box. Why or why not? Remind students that their responses can be fantastical. From dreams to special memories and from friendship to classroom challenges, kids will have plenty of familiar territory to explore as they become accustomed to the practice of daily writing. Have you ever been tempted to cheat on a test or homework assignment? Why. Imagine your dream house and describe it in as much detail as possible. If you could either instantly understand everyone you meet or have everyone else instantly understand you, which would you choose? Topics for Writing. Writing prompts have been a great tool to help me defeat writer’s block and swiftly put pen to paper. What kind of enjoyment do you get from it? - ESL worksheets Explain how you handled the situation. Do you think humans ever will live somewhere besides Earth? Would you rather spend a day out doing things and going places or playing alone at home? (Second blank page included if students need more space or write on every other line only to facilitate teacher´s correction). What is your least favorite punishment? These creative writing starters cover a range of fun and simple topics so that young writers can begin writing quickly and learn how to express their thoughts on the page without barriers. How did you feel? Writing Prompt: We use reported speech to tell someone what we have heard or seen. Simple process writing can be nothing more than a numbered list of steps written in the simple present with imperative grammar. Write about a time when you were embarrassed. Write about a time when you won something. Write about what the two of you liked to do together and whether or not you still see each other. How do you feel when they do? What would be your most important rule if you were a parent? Notes on Journal Prompts journal writing prompts. It can be adjusted to include the targeted vocabulary or expressions that they have learned. Are you absent-minded or good with small details? How would it work? How does that affect your life? Journaling improves reasoning and deductive skills, promotes reflective and careful thought, and empowers students to believe that their thoughts, feelings, and ideas matter. It helps you reflect on your day, plan for the future, and get creative juices flowing for more directed writing. What is your favorite part of going to school here at __________? On the other hand, “48 Climbing Mt. Good writing prompts get students' creative juices flowing, help them write more freely, and ease any anxiety they may feel about the writing process.To integrate writing prompts into your lessons, ask students to choose one writing prompt each day or week. How well you write will depend on the skills you are taught and more importantly, the skills you practice in order to gain speed and knowledge. When the confines of realism are eliminated, students are free to think more creatively, which often inspires greater engagement in the project. Describe the best present you ever received. Like adults, many children experience writer's block, particularly when an assignment is extremely open-ended. What is your favorite or most commonly used word or phrase? What makes it so special? Describe it in detail. What is something you enjoy that most other people don’t like? 2. Write about the best decision you've ever made. Often character driven. In short, it’s an inclusive activity that is fun for kids and that also packs a huge punch in terms of educational and developmental benefits. These writing prompts for children are perfect as journal prompts, daily practice, or just for fun! How did you handle it? Use these easy writing prompts with your elementary school students and watch to see all the exciting new ways their minds will blossom! Choose a quality that you like about yourself and describe why it makes you proud. What is your favorite video game and why? The Purpose: Writing is often thought of as a solitary pursuit, and for this reason alone … Why? Here, we encourage simplicity in prompts. "Write about yourself: where you are from, what you do (study, work…), what you like, your hobbies, and write about a typical day in your life. No Prep Complete Writing Workbook This is a no prep creative writing workbook for the entire year. A writing prompt is a topic around which you start writing ideas. Expository Writing Prompts Worksheets. Narrative Writing Prompts Worksheets. What makes you feel jealous? What superpower would be the coolest to have? If you’re new to journaling and this list of 31 writing prompts overwhelms you, don’t worry. Write about why someone might be afraid of snakes. You can also use these prompts for intermediate and advanced students by asking them to write full paragraphs using smooth transitions. Ken on December 21, 2010 4:59 pm. What sets our school apart from other schools? List five rules that you have broken and why you broke them. Do you feel like other people listen to you? What do you love most about it? Just pick a few that you feel you could answer and go from there. Studying Writing Prompts. You’re free to stick to the subject or let your mind wander. Why or why not? “48 Writing Prompts” is volcanically bad. Make a list of 15 things you love, then choose one and write about why you love it. If you could invent something to make your parents’ lives easier, what would you create? While story prompts are a great tactic to spark your creative sessions, a writer generally needs a couple more tools in their toolbelt when it comes to developing a rock-solid writing routine. Describe five reasons that going to school is important. What do you like to do to feel better when you are sad? Do you enjoy helping other people? Why or why not? Write about it. The journal writing prompts on this page are grouped into the 4 quarters of a standard academic year. You can start this off with some simple prompts to encourage expository writing: Describe a kind person you know. Who was your first friend? Why or why not? First Grade Expository Writing Prompts. However, writing inspiration does not come easily to every student. Who is your favorite book character? 52 Simple Daily Journal Prompts Journaling is a wonderfully meditative practice. 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