In every dispensation of the world a witness is called to testify to the people of that day and age that he has seen God and has talked with Him and has received instructions and guidance from Him. This episode contains two parts. Welcome to Meridian Magazine’s podcast which focuses the Come, Follow Me curriculum and this year’s study of the Doctrine and Covenants. The message seems to be that we shouldn’t expect God to command us in all things. A “war of words and tumult of opinions” (Joseph Smith—History 1:10) had left Joseph confused about religion and the state of his soul; perhaps you can relate to that. You may find it helpful as a guide or aid for personal and family scripture study. In response to Joseph’s prayer, a pillar of light descended from heaven; God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared and answered his questions. Here is a link to the page about the swaddling clothes. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. Click Here To 'Like' Meridian Magazine on Facebook, Running through the forest with the Book of Mormon plates, BYU Study: How to Make a Vaccine Hesitant Person Become Pro-Vaccine, Parenting Servants and Friends: Lessons from the Lord on Being Parents of Adult Children, Come, Follow Me for Sunday School: “The Son of Man Shall Come”, Joseph Smith—Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12–13; Luke 21, Photo Essay: Come with Young Joseph into the Sacred Grove, Come Follow Me Podcast #4: Doctrine and Covenants 3-5 “My Work Shall Go Forth”, Come Follow Me D&C Podcast 4, “My Work Shall Go Forth” — D&C 3-5, Come Follow Me, Podcast #3: “The Hearts of Their Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”, Doctrine and Covenants 2, Joseph Smith History 1: 27-65, Come Follow Me D&C Podcast 3, “The Hearts of Their Children Shall Turn…” — JSH 1: 27-65, Come Follow Me Podcast #2: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”, Joseph Smith History 1: 1-26, Come Follow Me D&C Podcast 2, “I Saw a Pillar of Light” — Joseph Smith History 1: 1-26, Come, Follow Me Podcast #1: “Hearken, O Ye People”, Doctrine and Covenants 1, Come Follow Me D&C Podcast 1, “Hearken, O Ye People” — D&C 1, The Church Leaders Condemnation of Violence and What Joseph Learned in the Missouri Persecutions, President Ballard Encourages Leaders in the U.S. and Canada to Hold Local Youth Conferences and Camps in 2021, The endgame of transgender ideology is to dismantle the family, Church Leaders Condemn Violence and Lawless Behavior During Times of Unrest, Sister Oaks Shares How She and President Oaks Involved Their Grandchildren in Celebrating the Restoration. I have read the Book of Mormon on average 3 times a year for the majority of my adult life. Large … These are such miraculous stories and maybe because we’ve heard them so often we no longer marvel at just how amazing the restoration actually was! We can all receive, if not a heavenly vision, at least a clearer vision, illuminated by heavenly light. In our day, in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times, that witness is Joseph Smith. Each week we will provide links to various resources that shed light on the Come, Follow Me topics we’re studying this year. Explorer Find similar podcasts. Help needed for podcasts. This is so you can listen with your scriptures in hand, or while you are about life’s many other duties. Every day, my 12-year-old asks me what’s for dinner. If you like the content of these episodes, please share and subscribe. “Sorrow prepares you for joy. This episode talks about how we can know the truth and what to do if we have questions. As you read about the rise and the tragic fall of the Jaredites, you’ll find many sorrowful moments. Joseph was told of prophecies that would soon be fulfilled; what is our part in helping to fulfill them? ... Come Follow Me LDS- Ephesians Part 1 (Sep 30 - … Unique, weekly Come Follow Me LDS Commentary Latter-Day Saints, Christian Book of Mormon New Testament Old Testament The products (services) and content offered by Cwic Media are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Book of Mormon Evidence – Come Follow Me Supplementary Study Podcasts. And he spoke of “hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God” (Ether 12:4). It took faith for Moroni to trust that the Lord could take his “weakness in writing” and turn it into strength (see Ether 12:23–27). ... Come, Follow Me – For Individuals and Families: New Testament 2019 (audiobook) Come Follow Me; Unique, weekly Come Follow Me LDS Commentary Latter-Day Saints, Christian ... You can use our website to search 1,905,718 podcasts and 91,737,682 episodes by people, places, or topics. After all, as Moroni wrote, “it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you” (Ether 8:23), for if we can learn from the failures and the successes of the Jaredites, “evil may be done away, and … the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men” (Ether 8:26). We can ask questions, study the scriptures, ponder, and ultimately ask God. Week by week, each of the podcasts will be listed here with the latest appearing at the top. This page is for the paid (ad-free) version of LDS Podcasts, an app for Android devices, including Amazon Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble Nook tablets. The Nephite king, Limhi, could sense that this record was important: “Doubtless a great mystery is contained within these plates,” he said (Mosiah 8:19). President Nelson and Elder Cook: Balance and Connection. Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources. It’s such a great talk!! * This is not an official church publication of any kind. I listen to other “Come Follow Me” and it is fluff. Things may have seemed hopeless, but Moroni found hope in his testimony of the Savior and his knowledge that “the eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on” (Mormon 8:22). If you can’t wait for part two, look up her podcast however you listen to my podcast…, Part 2 is Episode 123 The Destruction of the Jaredites, part 2. It means letting the Atonement of Jesus Christ “and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in your mind” (Moroni 9:25). Moroni’s faith in these promises made it possible for him to declare to the future readers of this book, “I speak unto you as if ye were present” and “I know that ye shall have my words” (Mormon 8:35; 9:30). It is Episode 12 of a podcast called “Church News.” You really should go listen! LDS dominance may be the most important factor in determining political outcomes in Utah's Legislature. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Book of Mormon Ether. Below is the link to the interview with Wendy Nelson and Sheri Dew. Doctrine and Covenants section 1 is the Lord’s preface to the compilation of these revelations, and it clearly shows that even though the membership of the Church was small, there was nothing small about the message God wanted His Saints to share. Beginning today, each week Meridian Magazine’s founders, Scot and Maurine Proctor, will be giving a 30-minute podcast on the “Come, Follow Me” curriculum for the week. While it is true that God’s ways are higher than ours, and we should always submit to His will, He also encourages us to think and act for ourselves. United States TRANSCRIPT Mike Day and Bryce Dunford illustrate relevance in the scriptures and discuss ideas for understanding and applying Come Follow Me and beyond. A weekly podcast that correlates with the new Come Follow Me manual of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I bet we will laugh a lot and cry a little and learn a lot and grow so much as we dive into the New Testament this year. Cwic Media- LDS / Mormon / Come Follow Me podcast on demand - PRACTICAL THEOLOGY A new approach to the scriptures! I am in Revelations. He “told them of all things, from the beginning of man” (Ether 13:2). A weekly podcast that correlates with the new Come Follow Me manual of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Doctrine and Covenants 2 ; Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65, “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”. It’s this kind of faith that makes us “sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God” (Ether 12:4). The servants carrying this message are “the weak and the simple,” but humble servants are just what God needs—then and now—to bring His Church “out of obscurity and out of darkness” (verses 23, 30). Come Follow Me, for Us. VIDEOS & PODCASTS. And yet Mormon still found cause for hope—teaching us that hope does not mean ignoring or being naive about the world’s problems; it means having faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, whose power is greater and more everlasting than those problems. After finishing his father’s record of the Nephites and abridging the record of the Jaredites, Moroni thought at first that his record-keeping work was done (see Moroni 1:1). But we can also have faith that the Lord will make us instruments in His hands, just as He did for Joseph. We decided to take it upon ourselves to provide some answers. Lesson #1, Dec. 30-Jan. 5 : Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon. He began to wonder about his standing before the Lord. For Primary. It also talks about Section 1 of the Doctrine and Covenants. ... weekly insights into the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints “come follow me” gospel doctrine program. When these words were written, the Nephite people as a whole were tumbling headlong into apostasy. Faith comes and is increased by listening to and heeding the testimony of that witness. ** LDS Podcasts Free – is an Android app specifically for faithful Latter-day Saint podcasts which includes many of the “Come Follow Me” podcasts mentioned in this list. Come, Follow Me Media Resources. 2021 Doctrine and Covenants Media Resources. It takes faith to believe in promises or warnings about things we can’t see, just as it took faith for Ether to prophesy of “great and marvelous things” to an unbelieving people. Perhaps Moroni included these messages in the Book of Mormon because he foresaw similarities between the perils of his day and ours. It means “lay[ing] hold upon every good thing” (Moroni 7:19). Kit. Quick question for you. For more info, Click HERE I’m 65. This talk by President Nelson was referenced in the manual. Do we know every scripture that Moroni told Joseph Smith on his September 21 visit in 1823? A collection of podcasts and live streams selected to cover a variety of interests for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1) Higher & Lower Law 2) Temple Imagery & Drama 3) Authorship 4) The Nehor Principle Theology, History, No fluff. The Savior Said: A Come Follow Me Podcast- Weekly podcast by Lexie Austin about an hour long. That will never work. Latter-day Saints hold nine of every 10 seats, while making up 60% of the population. Come, Follow Me – Doctrine & Covenants Here at Third Hour we want to give you as many resources as we can to help you find your gospel-learning groove. If you click on the podcast titles on this page, they should take you to the individual posts with the accompanying transcript. A funny, inspirational, REAL podcast that correlates with the weekly Come Follow Me curriculum of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our first answer is, “They are listed right here in Joseph Smith’s history.” Yet Oliver Cowdery told us there are many more. And it’s this kind of faith by which “all things are fulfilled” (Ether 12:3). This may be why he gave clarifying details about the sacrament, baptism, conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the blessings of gathering with fellow believers to “keep [each other] in the right way, … relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of [our] faith” (Moroni 6:4). For example, the idea of traveling to a new land that was “choice above all the earth” seemed to start in Jared’s mind, and the Lord “had compassion” and promised to grant the request, saying, “Thus I will do unto thee because this long time ye have cried unto me” (see Ether 1:38–43). Feel free to suggest your favorites for future inclusion. I didn’t share it in the podcast, but I love it so much. But the Jaredites rejected his words, for the same reason people often reject the prophecies of God’s servants today—“because they [see] them not” (Ether 12:5). This little part of the lesson may just be able to help you find the way he talks to you. Check out Shelby’s podcast Book of Mormon for Youth! And Moroni knew that a key role in those eternal purposes would be played by the Book of Mormon—the record he was now diligently completing, the record that would one day “shine forth out of darkness” and bring many people “to the knowledge of Christ” (Mormon 8:16; 9:36). Unique, weekly Come Follow Me LDS Commentary Latter-Day Saints, Christian Book of Mormon New Testament Old Testament The products (services) and content offered by Cwic Media are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ultimately there has to be affirmative proof, and with the things of God, affirmative proof finally and surely comes by revelation through the spirit and power of the Holy Ghost.” – Lawrence Corbridge. It comes from the same record that the Nephites “were desirous beyond measure” to read, and when they did, “they were filled with sorrow; nevertheless it gave them much knowledge, in the which they did rejoice” (Mosiah 28:12, 18). And when the brother of Jared realized how dark it was inside the barges that would carry them to their promised land, the Lord invited him to suggest a solution, asking a question that we usually ask Him: “What will ye that I should do?” (Ether 2:23). I'm learning and enjoying each week. One last push – please watch this talk before you begin your serious study of the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History this year. The Doctrine and Covenants is a book of answers to prayers: many of the sacred revelations in this book came in response to questions. And the work Joseph was called to do is connected to what God asks of us. This episode touches on the ways we look for truth, following the pattern of the first vision, and ways we can safeguard our testimonies. This is so you can listen with your scriptures in hand, or while you are about life’s many other duties. You can also find the podcast on the following platforms (click on the platform of your choice): Join our study group and let’s delve into the scriptures in a way that is inspiring, expanding and joyful. Below is the link to the prophet explaining how he got the idea to do the gratitude prayer and challenge. Come, Follow Me — Book of Mormon ... Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Lessons. The first 25 minutes are thoughts on this weeks’ lesson. It also talks about Doctrine and Covenants Section 2 the sealing power that the prophet Elijah returned to the earth. See Resources. Reynold A. Nicholson, vol. Hundreds of years after the Jaredites were destroyed, the Nephites discovered the ruins of their ancient civilization. Because of copyright, I don’t want to add the picture – in case it’s not allowed. And here’s another surprise—all but two are from the Old Testament. Society & Culture Christianity Religion & Spirituality English. You can click on the title or the photo to be led to the 30-minute podcast. Joseph’s testimony of that miraculous experience boldly declares that anyone “who [lacks] wisdom might ask of God, and obtain” (Joseph Smith—History 1:26). Like all of us, he had made mistakes, and he felt condemned by them. This podcast started out as a simple idea to record my thoughts for members of my family and maybe local members of my stake. Though growing, it was still an obscure group of believers living in a sparsely settled frontier, led by a prophet in his mid-twenties. Now we do have his words, and the Lord’s work is rolling forth, in part because Mormon and Moroni stayed true to their mission, even when they were alone. We are so lucky to know about it! We have created these so you can listen to lessons either with the scriptures before you, or in the busy hours of your life while you are doing other things. Each week Meridian Magazine’s founders, Scot and Maurine Proctor, will be giving a 30-minute podcast on the “Come, Follow Me” curriculum for the week. A link is included below each podcast image to see the scriptures and quotes we have referenced. Come, Follow Me ... Come, Follow Me. LDS, Mormon. It had been three years since God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith in the grove, but Joseph hadn’t received any additional revelations since then. Click on the links below for detailed show notes: Ep 87 | D&C 3-5, Come FollowContinue Reading Last talk of the day, simply “Closing Remarks.”. The new approach to teaching young men and women was designed to incorporate a new style of teaching and use of media, a greater focus on church doctrine and flexibility in adapting to needs and circumstances, according to “I have not friends nor whither to go” (Mormon 8:3, 5). Yet God still had a work for him to do. This episode is about Joseph Smith’s first vision. Each podcast has a published transcript to go with it. 12 talking about this. Joseph does not shy away from humbly including Section 3 in the Doctrine and Covenants, where he is severely chastened by the Lord for a failing. But don’t overlook the joy of learning lessons from this history. When we take part in God’s work, we can expect to face opposition and even persecution, just as the Prophet did. If I have seen further than others, it is by listening to podcasts and standing upon the shoulders of giants. “You cannot prove the Church is true by disproving every claim made against it. Use these free 2021 LDS primary printables for Come, Follow Me to help inspire your kids and get them excited for a new year! Are the New Testament published transcripts available for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? But click here to be taken to the page that talks about the story. He could have hid it or polished it up to preserve his image, but because he is so honest, we not only get to see firsthand, the spiritual development of a prophet, but he also gives us all a deep teaching. Precious insights like these give us reason to be thankful that the Lord preserved Moroni’s life so he could “write a few more things” (Moroni 1:4). Bloomberg delivers business and markets news, data, analysis, and video to the world, featuring stories from Businessweek and Bloomberg News on everything pertaining to technology THE FOUNDATION. Joseph would bring forth the Book of Mormon; what have we been asked to do with it? Media. Category People & Blogs; Show more Show less. I haven't been able to find them if they are. Poem Elder Budge shares at the beginning of his talk. What could be more exciting? Thanks, ….. Not like anything else out there!' The prophet has asked us to try to find the ways that the Lord speaks to us. Love your podcasts. A weekly podcast that correlates with the new Come Follow Me manual of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Video. Joseph would receive priesthood keys to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers; how are we turning our hearts to our ancestors? He knew that widespread apostasy was coming, bringing with it confusion about priesthood ordinances and religion in general. . The outlines highlight important principles found in the Doctrine and Covenants, suggest study ideas and activities for individuals and families, and provide places to record your impressions. Each episode focuses on the life and mission of Jesus Christ as taught in the New Testament, and provides background for teaching the lesson at home or at church. Lesson 1: Dec 30 – Jan 5 The Book of Mormon We can share with Him our own thoughts and ideas, and He will listen and give His confirmation or else counsel us otherwise. Week by week, each of the podcasts will be listed here with the latest appearing at the top. Steve Scott on YouTube with his weekly come follow me lessons. You could also use it for home evening. Sometimes the only thing separating us from the blessings we seek is our own “veil of unbelief,” and if we can “rend that veil” (Ether 4:15), we may be surprised by what the Lord is willing to do for us. What more was there to say about two nations that were utterly destroyed? 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