Heb. Dr. Hodge, on page 278, states that “all” in both phrases refers to “all the subjects of redemption”, all God’s/Christ’s people, all believers, and not to every single human and/or angel inclusively in the world or universe. Heb. This is hyperbole, as Matthew Henry, on page 879, says in so many words. 1:1). Does this mean that the only joy there is is in trials, that, all joy is to be found only in trials? It’s referring to “the sum-total of the divine powers and attributes” (Col. 2:9), as Dr. Vincent, on page 899; Dr. Hendriksen, on page 79 of his, Does this include demons and the eternally lost in hell? Walvoord and Zuck, page 820; Dr. A. Robertson, page 35 of, Does “all” this mean every single person in the world, or just the people Peter is writing? – Dr. Muller, page 147. Pheiffer and Harrison, on page 1082, and Matthew Henry, on page 529, of their respective commentaries agree. Dr. Wuest on page 139, and Drs. 2:21 “For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus.”. Obviously not! Is this saying that Christ is all people and things, similar to pantheism, and that He is in all things? In context, it’s referring to “all of God’s true children” (Dr. Hendriksen, page 289) who observe these religious errorists (Drs. 2:15 “They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men, ”. Available for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and more. The biblical concept of world falls into five categories: the physical world, the human world, the moral world, the temporal world, and the coming world. Not inclusively! Rom. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Is it possible for God to sin? 26:63-64) and Paul (2 Cor. Did they endure every possible thing that could take place? 5:18 above. Dr. Murray, on page 108, states that “all” refers to “all that comes within the created and providential order”. Lk. Below is the list with initials. “All” refers to the wicked/unbelievers who are living on the earth at Christ’s 2nd coming – 2 Thes. 4:8-14), as Dr. Hodge, on page 259; Dr. P. Hughes, on page 151 of, The New International Commentary on the New Testament – Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, Does this mean we will become God? Matthew 28:20 “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you…”. 5, Did Jesus tell her every single thing she had ever done her whole life? 2:13; Eph. Were all the people of the world, of Israel, of Judea, or who? Dr. Hodge, on page 169; Drs. “All”, here, means “all believers” as the context (Heb. 9:19; Dan. No!, it would be impossible! Pheiffer and Harrison, on page 1271, of their respective commentaries agree that “all” refers to believers. Or, it could mean “all who are now in Asia, but who were in Rome” with Paul at the time of this incident – Drs. 11:6 “in every way we have made this evident to you in all things.”. The “us all” refers to “saints” (Rom. No! 7:27) – Dr. Hendriksen, on page 200, and Dr. Murray, on page 224 of their respective commentaries. No!, not in a direct sense. Or, as Drs. 3:8 “To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted…”. Obviously not! The physical world at its largest extent includes the whole universe, the cosmos ( John 1:9; Acts 17:24) or the creation ( Rom 8:20). 2:2), those in positions of authority (1 Tim. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 104, state, “Using hyperbole, Mark showed the great impact John made…” Drs. Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, page 1325, state. Obviously not! Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, on page 992, Drs. 14:20 “All things indeed are clean…”. God's words are alive. No! 19:28, 45; 21:37). Matthew Henry, on page 332, states that they were not sinless, but “living in such a way that no one could charge them with any open, scandalous sin”. Heb. 2 Cor. The context, would imply that it refers to all those Paul had at his disposal, of those who would naturally be selected for such an assignment, except for Timothy – Dr. Vincent, page 883; Dr. Hendriksen, page 135; Drs. Rather, He was tempted in all “respects” or kinds of things or areas – Dr. Kent, page 92. For example, man will envy one or more people, but he doesn’t necessarily envy every single person in the world. Did Jesus tell her every single thing she had ever done her whole life? Dr. Murray, on page 326, states that it refers to “the gifts and blessings of grace upon believers”, “salvation in its whole expanse”. Or, as Drs. Does “all” include such things as going to the bathroom? Does this include pornography? Dr. Murray, on page 188 and 195; Dr. Hendriksen, on page 466; Dr. Robertson, on pages 414, 415; Drs. “All”, in context, refers to the universe, as Dr. Hodge states on page 60 of Ephesians, and as Drs. 1, p. 32, it states that “this wonderful panorama had to be partially mental and imaginative…”, Matthew 4:24 “…all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were ill, …”, It is unlikely that every single person from the entire land of Syria was brought to Jesus. Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown on page 1083, and Dr. F. F. Bruce, on page 68 of The New International Commentary on the New Testament – The Book of the Acts. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 328, state, it refers to “the truth about Jesus and His work”. 1:1-2). Does this include in sinning? 8:7 “you abound in …all earnestness…”. Does “all things” include electrons, protons, and neutrons? Walvoord and Zuck, page 657; Dr. Muller, page 98; Drs. As Dr. K. Wuest, on page 188 of Wuest’s Word Studies in the Greek New Testament, Vol. Acts 24:5 “a fellow who stirs up dissension among all the Jews throughout the world…”. “The Word” also appears in the Bible as a title for Jesus Christ, both as a spirit in heaven and as a human on earth. Matthew 8:16 “…He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill.”. 18:4, 8; Judges 8:34; Jer. Would the Holy Spirit teach these believers all there was to know about math, science, music, art, etc.? For all people, all sins, or all time? No!, but to all Timothy’s observers (Drs. 2:1 “a census be taken of all the inhabited earth.”. As Dr. Robertson, on page 68, and Dr. M. Vincent, on page 429 of his Word Studies in the New Testament, Vol. ADULTERY, Ex 20:14 must not commit a. Mt 5:28 already committed a. in his heart. Can you list all of the books of the Bible in order? Walvoord and Zuck on page 759 and Matthew Henry on page 1218 of their respective commentaries state, “all” refers to the Christians at Rome. Drs. 4, all agree. 2:23 also. Again, the “all” refers to Christ’s communicable attributes, like His love, etc. Hardly! Instead, it’s limited to all the things Paul had been speaking about, such as his suffering, constancy, and deliverance (2 Cor. 2:16 “For all that is in the world…”. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 310, state that it refers to “those leaders who cared not for the spiritual good of the people but only for themselves.”. Even he said he didn’t in Gal. Acts 13:10 “You who are full of all deceit and fraud…”. Pheiffer and Harrison, on page 1127, state. Mechon Mamre. The “all men” refers to “all those who are Christ’s” (1 Cor. Dr. L. Morris, on page 68 of his Tyndale New Testament Commentaries – The Gospel According to St. Luke, says that they were “living faithfully for God, but not sinlessly”. “All sorts” and “everyone inclusively” are two different things. Does this mean we will become God? Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 20:11-15. The “all died” refers to the same people as the “died for all” people, namely believers, Christ’s people, Christ’s sheep (Jn. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 94, state, “Those who respond are to be taught the truths Jesus had specifically communicated to the Eleven.” The “all” doesn’t apply to personal commands for unique situations that were only to be for His disciples at that time (as in the above passages listed). Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, page 1492; Drs. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 670, and Dr. Robertson, on page 474, of their respective commentaries. Dr. Robertson, on page 176, states that it refers to “false Messiahs and self-appointed leaders who made havoc of the flock.”, Drs. Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, on page 1199 of their respective commentaries agree. VERSE ... And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. No! Does this include committing sin if parents tell their children to do so? Hardly! As Drs. See note under Col. 1:6. Was Elymas abounding in every single deceit and fraud possible? 1 Tim. Obviously not! Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, page 1487, state, “all” means “all possible”. No! “The design of the atonement is definitely restricted” to His sheep – Dr. Robertson on page 111 of his, Not “all” evil (every single evil there is), as the, The New International Commentary on the New Testament – The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians and Philemon, Does this include being born with a sin nature or in sin (Psa. 4:15 “one who has been tempted in all things as (we are, yet) without sin.”. 1 Jn. Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, on page 1173; Drs. No! According to Open Thou Mine Eyes the King James Bible has a word count of 783,137 words. 13:1). Did Paul become a Hindu, Buddhist, thief, liar, immoral person to every Hindu, Buddhist, thief, liar, and immoral person he met or tried to reach? As Dr. Vincent, on page 225, states, it means all kinds of believers, “without distinction of age, sex, or condition”. “The word ‘all’ must be interpreted in the light of its context; hence, the meaning is: all the generations covered in this record (Matt. Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, page 1518; and Dr. Vincent, page 338 of Vol. As Dr. Hodge, on page 138, states, God “works all these effects (of the spiritual gifts exercised upon or to people) in the minds of men.”. Does this include being born with a sin nature or in sin (Psa. Drs. Dr. Hendriksen, page 234; Dr. Vincent, page 863; Dr. Robertson, page 543; Dr. Hodge, page 102; and Drs. Did Christ die to ransom every single person in the world? Does this mean everything inclusively that anyone does anywhere? Did sin originate or have its source from/out of God? No!, as the end of 1 Cor. Every Christian in the world? 4:10 “God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers.”. Everything material? 6:18). 3:9 “for their folly will be obvious to all…”. 5:45; Lk. That is, from all sin committed. Again, “all” doesn’t refer to every single person in the world, but to people from “all kinds of” or “categories of” groups “without distinction of rank, race, or nationality” – Dr. Hendriksen, page 95. So “all”, at most here, means all things consistent with God’s nature/attributes (like obtaining salvation for mankind, which is impossible for man to obtain on his own). 4:5). 14:31 “For you can all prophesy one by one…”. Drs. Phil. Had every single Jew (man, woman, and child) appealed to Festus? 2:22; 1 Jn. 3:4 “For(ever) since the fathers fell asleep, all continues as it was from the beginning of creation.”. Would the Holy Spirit guide Jesus’ disciples into all the truth about every single issue that exists in the universe? Also, see Jn. No!, but to all the believers at the church in Thessalonica (1 Thes. No! Pheiffer and Harrison, page 1344; and Matthew Henry, page 1167, of their respective commentaries. “All” refers to all of God’s communicable attributes and not His incommunicable attributes, as His being all-powerful, sovereign, infinite – Dr. Hendriksen, page 174 of New Testament Commentary – Ephesians. 20:13; Dan. Obviously not! Is direct temptation of believers to sin from God? Though we are told to love everyone (Matt. Jn. Thank you for giving God’s people your best !! Dr. Hodge, on the other hand, on page 342, states that it means “in all things pertaining to the apostolic office.” In either interpretation, inclusiveness is omitted so that it’s used in a restrictive sense. Does this mean for every single individual in the world? 4:4 “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works.”. Acts 13:22 “a man after My heart, who will do all My will.”. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 388, state, Elymas was into “all kinds of” deception …and distortion of the truth”. No! 14:26; 15:26; 16:12-15. Acts 25:24 “behold this man about whom all the people of the Jews appealed to me, both at Jerusalem and here, …”. No! Pheiffer and Harrison, on page 1339; Drs. Col. 2:1 “and for all those who have not personally seen my face.”. See more. 1 Tim. 5:20 “rebuke in the presence of all,”. Walvoord and Zuck, page 875; and Dr. M. Green, on page 127 of his, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries – The Second Epistle of Peter and the Epistle of Jude. This would include Gentile believers as part of God’s people, state Drs. “All” has the same meaning as that found in the note under Heb. Not in this context! Acts 4:34 “for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them…”. Drs. Does this include sin? 16:12? It’s a once for all time, never to be repeated event/act. 12:29. 3:9 refers to the believers Peter wrote, 2 Pet. Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown on page 927 of, Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible, Were the people to do even the wrong things that the Pharisees’ taught, like that found in Matt. Rather, the “all” refers to anyone in authority over them who could affect these believers’ peaceful lifestyle and easy spread of the gospel (1 Tim. 2:6 “who gave Himself as a ransom for all,”. 2:2), Gentiles (1 Tim. Or, as Drs. This result would be very difficult to harmonize with 1 Kings 6:1, where, even when the necessary subtractions are made, a considerably longer period is implied for the span Rahab to David. Or, as Drs. Did Caesar Augustus really take a census of every person on all 7 continents? Everything inclusively? So, “all” must refer to the average or common Jew. Walvoord and Zuck, page 673; Dr. Robertson, page 478; and Drs. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 524, of their commentary, agree. 12:24; Jn. “The design of the atonement is definitely restricted” to His sheep – Dr. Robertson on page 111 of his New Testament Commentary – The Gospel of John, vol. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 541; and Matthew Henry, on page 1060, of their respective commentaries agree. 2:10 “I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people;”. Rom. According to Dr. Bruce, on page 87, they were “the crowd of wondering spectators”, eyewitnesses to the miracle who were in and around the temple in Jerusalem. As Dr. Hendriksen, on page 465, states, “the words ‘by all’ must not be taken literally as if referring to every man, woman, and child on earth, or even by all those reached by the gospel. As Dr. Hendriksen on page 565 states, “Among seeds sown in a garden, it was generally the smallest.” Drs. As Drs. Walvoord and Zuck, page 665, of their respective commentaries. 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all (sorts of) evil,”. No! Phil. 3:2 “You are our letter …known and read by all men;”. Pheiffer and Harrison, on page 1278, of their respective commentaries, state that “in all things” means “among all men” or “publicly”. Drs. 1:29 “being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, malice, …”. It’s referring to every one we interact with, who sees us, whether Christian or not – Dr. Hendriksen, page 193, and Matthew Henry, page 1154 of their respective commentaries. Pheiffer and Harrison, page 1426, and Drs. 2:7), etc., “all kinds of” people – Dr. Hendriksen, on pages 93, 94 of his New Testament Commentary – 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus, and Dr. Robertson, p. 567 agree. The above short definition omits to mention the references to the locations of the words in text. Pheiffer and Harrison, page 1424; and Drs. …the best wine last :) Catherine Dean. Since God is infinitely holy and righteous, it’s impossible for Him to sin, like lying (Heb. As Dr. Robertson, on page 116 of Word Pictures in the New Testament, Vol. No! 9:20-22. Drs. Did Jesus heal everyone in the world who was ill or just everyone who was brought to Him at this time? No! No! Not in this context! Matthew Henry, on page 734, and Drs. Pheiffer and Harrison on page 990 of their commentary, and Dr. Hendriksen on page 38 of New Testament Commentary – The Gospel of Mark, agree. Matthew Henry, on page 984, states that it especially refers to this also. 2 Thes. 2 Cor. As Dr. Hodge, on page 94, states, they “endured all kinds of privations”. Rom. Pheiffer and Harrison, on page 1132 of their respective commentaries agree. Paul adapted to all kinds of customs and scruples that were amoral. Walvoord and Zuck, on page 799 agree. 1 Cor. Jn. Eph. The “all” refers to all those who had the gift of prophecy. Thou shalt be all in all, and I in thee, Forever. Not “all” evil (every single evil there is), as the King James Version translates the Greek word “panton”, but “all sorts/kinds of” evil, as it can have that meaning as well – Dr. Hendriksen, page 200; Drs. 1:7-10 – Drs. Also, see Jn. “All” only means “all without any kind of limitation” if it refers to all things and no things, created and uncreated, existent and non-existent, abstract and concrete, actual and potential, true and false, rational and irrational, beautiful and ugly, good and evil, etc. Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, on page 1084, agree. The word “all”, here, therefore is hyperbole, expressing how righteous they were. 3:1 with 1 Pet. Pheiffer and Harrison, on page 1110, state, “Not truth in every realm of knowledge, but truth in the things of God in the narrower sense, which we speak of as spiritual things”. 1 Thes. Does this mean every single person in the world? 4:15 “we are to grow up in all (aspects) into Him …Christ,”. No! David did all God’s purpose (Acts 13:36). Does this include God the Father being put under Jesus’ feet? Christ died only to ransom His sheep/chosen/elect/predestined ones (Jn. 14:26 “He will teach you all things…”. The context implies that it’s the churches of the Lycus Valley (e.g., Colossae, Laodicea, and Hierapolis – Col. 4:13) – Dr. Hendriksen, page 102; Dr. Robertson, page 487; Drs. 2 Cor. If He did, then He would do it (Isa. 6:10 “He died to sin, once for all…”. Does “all” this mean every single person in the world, or just the people Peter is writing? Page 1247, of Israel, in context, it refers to “ saints ” ( 1 Pet My... Bring you good news of a great joy which shall be made like his love, etc. the 'All! To do even the wrong things that I may by all men ”, but He would do (! Goal that Paul was willing to lie or deceive people in the world ”... That this is not a big deal whether you can do this to every single act of there. Are lawful for me, but to all men. ” for any to perish, that... 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